Citipanda User
Schedule Tasks; Then Get Them Done
If you’re busy – and who isn't – you probably need help completing simple tasks. This may be especially important for an upcoming event. The good news is you can hire nearby taskers, right now, to help.
CitiPanda matches you with a qualified service provider in your area through a trusted platform that brings clients and taskers together. Define your task, and then forget about it. Your task will get done in real-time.

Locate Taskers Near You
The first step is to find a tasker nearby. CitiPanda's user-friendly interface lets you set up an account so you can order services à la carte, anytime. It provides map views so you can see the tasker’s proximity to your location, too. You can then request a tasker based on location, experience level, and desired price point, on demand.

The Cost
Choose from a wide range of taskers in your price range. Our prices are highly competitive, so there’s no need to worry every time you request a task. And CitiPanda only charges your account once the task has been successfully completed.

When you’re busy, the last thing you need is a time-consuming way to schedule tasks. Citi-Panda streamlines scheduling, and lets you to do it in a jiffy. It provides you with the capacity to easily manage your scheduled tasks through an intuitive interface.
The app provides crisp views of all scheduled tasks, along with the tasker chosen to pro-vide the service. This helps you keep track of your requested tasks, all in one place. You won’t wait days to have your tasks done. Get them done in real-time with CitiPanda.

Express Restaurant Checkout and Delivery
Done eating? Waiter nowhere to be found? Have to catch a movie in 15 minutes? Use Express Checkout to order and pay the bill on CitiPanda. There is no need to wait for the waiter to come get your order and bring you your receipt when you can order and pay straightaway on CitiPanda. Just the perfect feature for your busy lives.

Chat one-on-one with the tasker. CitiPanda is unique in this way as it eliminates the need for a middle person. You can clarify directions, receive real-time comments, and offer feedback to the tasker.

Save Taskers to Favorites
Save your favorite taskers so you remember them for your future needs. If you need something done quickly, you can easily check your favorites list, and request a trusted tasker.
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