Become A Tasker
Earn Money Using Your Skills
Everyone has skills and talents. The good news is you can make use of them while making money. CitiPanda offers the flexibility to define your offerings, and set your own rates.

Specify Your Skills
The first step is to define your tasks. What are you good at doing? Where do you shine? Chances are you’ve helped a friend or neighbor with a task or chore. Chances are they appreciated the help, too.
The best news is that there are many people in your area who would frequently need help with a number of tasks. Define what you’re good at doing then specify your skills on CitiPanda to start earning today.

Create Your Task (Discover New Session)
Are you dancer or multi-talented juggler but do not see your task listed here? That’s cool. Just create your cutting edge category here and blaze the trail for other like-minded artistes.

Service Rates
Once you’ve defined your skills, you’ll be able to set a rate for each task. Yes, you have the freedom to be paid what you think you’re worth. With a specialized skill, clients who request this particular talent will pay you accordingly.

Scheduled Tasks
CitiPanda lets you view all scheduled tasks from clients in your neighborhood. You can then create calendar items, and prioritize your time.
When a client requests one of your tasks, you can view the request through our user-friendly, real-time interface. You can also view any task that you’ve ever completed on CitiPanda.

Making Money
Earnings will never be a surpRISE because you’re setting your rates. Once the task is complete, you’ll receive payment directly to your bank account in 7 days.
This task is then added to your earnings history, so you have the ability to easily track your income history on CitiPanda. You can also use helpful filters to isolate specific earning periods.

Get kudos for a job well done! CitiPanda's rating system lets you gauge a client's satisfaction with each completed task. You’ll get ratings for each service you provide, so you can evaluate your performance, and make changes accordingly.
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tuksestanne ja olemme yhteydessä mahdollisimman pian!
Tässä antamianne tietojanne tullaan käyttämään vain teihin yhteydenpitämiseen eikä muuhun (markkinointi, analysointi), jos tietojanne haluttaisiin muuhun käyttää tulemme siitä kysymään henkilökohtaisesti. Yrityksien tiedot rekisteröidään CitiPanda Oy:n rekisteriin ja niitä pääsee katsomaan vain tietyt valitut henkilöt luvan kanssa.